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League Of Legends Client Constantly Crashing For Mac Fix

League of legends client constantly crashing for mac fix spray

Active3 years, 8 months ago

I plan on uninstalling and reinstalling league to fix some un-relevant issues. However I do not feel like re-applying all my custom videointerface options. I also don't wish to remake my custom item sets for my champions. Which files would I need to save first to keep these custom settings?


Welcome to the Forum Archive! Years of conversation fill a ton of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an 'OK' thread, or anything in between, you can find it here. Edit Article How to Fix League of Legends Lag on Windows PC. League of Legends is a massive online multiplayer game. Sometimes it suddenly starts to lag a bit and gets worst as you continue to play the game. Go to your Riot Games/RADS/System folder under your default install path, and run the rads_user_kernel.exe file, then try starting your patcher. Try deleting your LoL_Air_Client folder (the default install path for this folder is c: Riot Games RADS Projects) and then repatching.

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3 Answers

C:Riot GamesLeague of LegendsConfig (installdirConfig)

game.cfg contains the game settings like mousespeed, volume etc. I think this is what you need.

input.ini contains all of the keybind settings that you have changed from the default.

Both can be opened with notepad.


If you are on a Mac (osx) then, go to:

Applications -> League of Legends -> Right-click the icon -> Show Package Content -> Contents -> LOL -> Config

You'll find the following:

  • Champions (folder)
  • game.cfg
  • input.ini

The show package content

The Contents Folder



Lol Client Constantly Crashes

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You no longer need to manually copy over your client settings as they are now preserved on the League of Legends servers.

via patch 5.22.

League Of Legends Client Constantly Crashing For Mac Fixer


League Of Legends Client Constantly Crashing For Mac Fix Spray


Lol client constantly crashes

League Of Legends Client Constantly Crashing For Mac Fix +

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League Of Legends Client Constantly Crash For Mac Fix

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